
Cuckoo Barn, Tickencote Road, Exton , Oakham, United Kingdom

Telephone if you are lost: 07768 708220 or 01780 460114

Our postcode LE15 8BA will find us on most modern Satnavs

Travelling on the A1 leave the A1 to the North of Stamford taking the signs for Empingham and Exton at the junction for the Woolfox Depot. Continue for a mile and turn right for Exton at the first crossroads winding down the lane and across the bridge over the brook. After the sharp double bend look for the last telegraph pole on your right and you will find Cuckoo Barn drive (pictured). We are 2.7 miles from the A1.

Traveling from the West leave the Oakham bypass on the A606 to Stamford after a mile you will see a lovely view of Rutland Water on your right. At the top of the first hill turn left at Barnsdale Lodge Hotel and drive down an avenue of mature beech trees. Take the first right down a single track road and continue straight on, the road improves so don’t go into Exton or turn off for Empingham. After two miles look for the first telegraph pole on your left and you are here!